Misconduct and disciplinary action

Minor misconduct

• Unexcused unpunctuality.

• Unexcused absences from class or from other educational activities organised by the school.

• Any act of impropriety and disrespect to other members of the educational community.

• Any wrongful act that alters the normal development of the school’s activities.

• Non-severe deterioration, caused intentionally, to school facilities, material or objects and belongings of the other members of the educational community.

• Acts of misconduct that are not deemed as serious in the opinion of the teacher or tutor involved.

Corrective measures for MINOR MISCONDUCT that breach school rules are the following, as appropriate:

• Corrective measures that all teachers may apply:

• Oral reprimand.

• Immediate appearance before the head of studies or school principle.

• Deprivation of recreation time.

• Corrective measures that the student’s tutor, head of studies or school principle may apply:

• Written warning, which will be given to parents or legal guardians if the student is a minor.

• Corrective measures that the head of studies of the stage or principal may apply, after hearing the student and various testimonials:

• Give the student educational tasks during after school hours and for a period not exceeding two weeks, and/or financial compensation for the material damage to the school or to other members of the educational community.

• Suspension of the right to participate in school teaching activities for a maximum period of one month.

• Change of group for a maximum period of one week.

• Suspension of the right to attend certain classes for a period not exceeding five school days, during which the student will remain in the school and perform academic work as assigned.

• Suspension of the right to attend cultural outings for a maximum period of one school year.

• The corrective actions indicated in points b) and c) of the previous section must be written into the student’s school record with an explanation of the behaviour that has led to the measure, and their parents or guardians will be duly informed.

Gross misconduct

• Serious acts of indiscipline, insults or offences against members of the educational community, and physical aggression or threats against other members of the educational community.

• The harassment or humiliation of any member of the school community, particularly those with a gender, sexual, racial or xenophobic motivation, or carried out against the most vulnerable students due to their personal, social or educational circumstances.

• Impersonations related to academic life and the forgery or theft of documents and academic material.

• The serious deterioration, caused intentionally, of school facilities, their materials or objects and belongings of the other members of the educational community.

• Unjustified acts that seriously disturb the normal development of the school’s activities.

• Actions and incitement to act that are harmful to the health and integrity of members of the school’s educational community.

• The repeated and systematic commission of actions that breach the school rules.

• In case of doubt as to the seriousness of an offence committed by a student, it will be addressed at the discretion of the disciplinary committee of the school board.

 • The imposition of disciplinary actions for behaviours that are seriously detrimental to the order of the school and considered as gross misconduct shall correspond to the school board.

• The disciplinary actions that may be imposed for offences considered as serious shall be:

• Giving the student educational tasks during school hours and for a period not exceeding two months, and/or financial compensation for the material damage to the school or to other members of the educational community.

• Suspension of the right to attend the school or certain classes for a period not exceeding fifteen school days, without incurring the loss of the right to continuous assessment, and without prejudice to the obligation to perform certain scholarly works deprivation of the right course of care. The school, through the tutor, will deliver a plan of activities that the student must undertake and shall establish the monitoring and control formulas for the days that they do not assist the school to ensure the right to continuous assessment.

• Ineligibility to study at the school for the period remaining until the end of the relevant academic year.

• Indefinite disqualification to study in the school where the misconduct occurred.

• In the case of applying one of the two previous disciplinary actions to a student of compulsory school age, the educational authorities will provide the disciplined student a school place in another educational institution.

• In imposing the sanctions provided for in paragraphs b) and c), and at the request of the student, the school board may waive the penalty or accept re-admission upon finding a positive change in their attitude.

• Gross misconduct may only be sanctioned with prior instruction in a file.

• The principal’s office has the power to begin the investigation of a case, on its own initiative or upon request by any member of the educational community.

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